Battered Eggplant & Yellow Squash

As part of the continuing effort to keep up with the output of yellow squash and eggplant from the garden, they were featured in this morning’s breakfast. Normally I would serve this sort of thing for the midday meal but I was anticipating salad for lunch, so breakfast it was.

battered  eggplant & yellow squash

battered  eggplant & yellow squash


For the batter I used:

  • chickpea flour (besan)
  • rice flour (I used red rice flour because it was handier than the brown rice flour)
  • tapioca flour (starch)
  • semolina
  • cumin powder
  • crushed ajwain seeds
  • red chili powder (Kashmiri)
  • kosher salt
  • turmeric
  • asafetida
  • minced green cayenne pepper (seeds and all)
  • water

battered  eggplant & yellow squash


The batter was allowed to rest while I went outside to water a few seedlings and harvest the eggplant, squash and a few other veggies. After slicing the eggplant and squash into rounds I adjusted the batter for consistency.

battered  eggplant & yellow squash

battered  eggplant & yellow squash


To fry the veggie medallions I used barely a quarter teaspoon of mustard oil per batch.

battered  eggplant & yellow squash

battered  eggplant & yellow squash


I had clipped a couple branches of purslane weed growing wild in the garden just in case there would be extra batter.

battered  eggplant & yellow squash

battered  eggplant & yellow squash

battered  eggplant & yellow squash

battered  eggplant & yellow squash


We had almost eaten our fill before it occurred to me that these would be good with some kind of dip or chutney. Obviously they were tasty enough as they were.

battered  eggplant & yellow squash


2 thoughts on “Battered Eggplant & Yellow Squash

    1. Purslane, as you can probably tell from the photos, is a succulent type plant. It has a slightly sour taste when eaten raw. The sourness goes away when cooked. Purslane probably has the highest amount of omega 3 fatty acids of any plant. I agree about “anything battered!”

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