Yellow Squash Refrigerator Relish

I’ve been using yellow squash every chance I get and attempting different ways of preparing it. Some of those efforts may have been worthy of mention in the blog but I haven’t been inclined to put a post together lately.

We had Uttapam (savory vegetable pancake) a couple of times. Once was with squash, onion, jalapeño and cilantro. I used an instant mix for the batter.


Another time squash, carrots, onion, jalapeño and cilantro were the vegetables in the Uttapam. This time I used a homemade batter using red rice, whole black gram, red poha (flattened rice) and a small amount of whole wheat flour for the batter. The savory pancake was served with yard-long bean fugath.

asparagus bean fugath



Today I made a lasagna-like dish with eggplant, yellow squash and homegrown tomato sauce.








Those are some of the things I have been doing lately but haven’t gotten around to mentioning. The focus of this post is on Yellow Squash Refrigerator Relish. This stuff turned out great. I know we had veggie dogs a week or two ago, but I am determined to run to the city tomorrow and pick up some hoagie or hot dog buns and open up another can of Big Franks®.

fletcher valley market 4


The ingredients for the relish, in no particular order, were:

  • yellow squash
  • sweet onions
  • garlic
  • raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar
  • water
  • honey
  • mustard seeds
  • celery seeds
  • dill flowers and leaves
  • turmeric
  • coriander powder (pinch)
  • prepared yellow mustard
  • homegrown and home prepared horseradish
  • tapioca starch


The yellow squash was deseeded and chopped into small pieces.

yellow squash relish


The squash, onions and minced garlic were salted with kosher salt, placed in a colander and ice cubes were mixed in. The salted veggies and ice cubes were left to drain for a couple of hours until the ice cubes melted. They were tossed from time to time with more salt added occasionally.

When the ice cubes had melted the vegetables were rinsed with clear ice cold water and drained some more.

yellow squash relish

yellow squash relish


After the vegetables had drained they were dried further with paper towels and the chopped dill leaves and blossoms were tossed in.

yellow squash relish

yellow squash relish

yellow squash relish

yellow squash relish

yellow squash relish


Meanwhile the liquid and seasonings for the relish had been prepared. The ratio of liquid ingredients were 1 part vinegar, 1 part water and 1/2 part honey. The amounts of seeds, spices and flavorings were according to personal taste and intuition.

yellow squash relish


After the vinegar solution had been heated the vegetables were added and everything was again heated to boiling.

yellow squash relish

yellow squash relish


A slurry of tapioca starch and water was then whisked in and the heat turned off after it had thickened a bit.

yellow squash relish

yellow squash relish


The hot relish was transferred into hot clean jars and capped with lids. These could have been processed in a water bath to make them shelf stable but I didn’t want to lose the crunchiness of pickled refrigerator relish.

yellow squash relish


4 thoughts on “Yellow Squash Refrigerator Relish

    1. I get behind on peoples’ posts too and have to catch up all at once. I fix yellow squash pretty much every day in one form or another and the refrigerator is still full of them. I thought I had planted zucchini and patty pan but ended up with just yellow crookneck and straight neck, which is ok because I prefer them.


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