Broccoli, Sweet Potato & Cashew Soup

Yesterday, just six days before Christmas, the temperature was a warm 75ºF (24ºC). Today it is rainy and 20 degrees cooler. It may not quite be soup weather but that is what I decided to make for our midday meal.

Broccoli florets were in the freezer and there were the sweet potatoes I had harvested over a week ago. A creamy broccoli / sweet potato soup appealed to me. In preparation for the creamy aspect I started some raw cashews soaking. Since time was short I began the soak by pouring boiling water over the nuts.

To the soaking cashews I added fresh turmeric, fresh ginger and garlic.



While the cashews continued soaking I sautéed cumin seeds, chopped onions chopped red bell pepper, garlic (yes, more garlic) and kosher salt.





I transferred the sautéed onions, red pepper, garlic and cumin seeds into a blender with the soaked cashews etc. and blended it all to a smooth paste.

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Using the same pot the onions had been sautéed in I added sweet potatoes (chopped small) and broccoli florets. With added water the vegetables were allowed to simmer under a lid until they softened to my liking.




The blended cashew nut cream sauce was then mixed in and brought to a simmer with a little added water. Cashew sauces tend to thicken when heated so I avoided a hard boil.




Seasoning was adjusted with nutmeg, black pepper, Kashmiri red chili powder and kosher salt.




Faye baked these fabulous buns a couple nights ago. They were the perfect accompaniment to this soup.



Garlic had an unmistakable presence in this soup, but that’s the way I like it, especially in the season when people are apt to share each others’ germs. Garlic not only keeps the sickos at a distance but boosts the immunity to stave off those tiny little invisible things that cause illness. Oh yeah, tastes good too.



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