Stir Fry

A stir fry is a great option for a one dish meal that doesn’t take long to put together. I’m always a bit hesitant to share stir fry posts because a recipe really isn’t needed. The ingredients list is whatever happens to be on hand.

Celery is a vegetable I like to keep on hand but don’t use frequently enough. Celery stores quite well in the refrigerator, but sometimes by the time it occurs to me to include it in a dish it is trending more yellow than green and, while still usable, isn’t at its crispest.

Radishes also keep well so there are usually a few kicking around in the refrigerator. They show up frequently in salads, but it’s easy to forget how good they are roasted or sautéed. A dearth of vegetable choices brought celery and radishes to the forefront in this stir fry.

First of all I cut half a tub of tofu into cubes and browned them in a skillet greased with toasted sesame oil. I also blanched some fresh spinach. Both the fried tofu and the blanched spinach were set aside to be used later. I wasn’t initially anticipating mentioning this dish in a post so these steps weren’t documented with photos.

Using the same pan in which the tofu was fried I sautéed onion, garlic, celery and radishes.

stir fry


After a few minutes I added the browned tofu back into the pan and continued sautéing.

stir fry

stir fry


Next, I scattered chopped blanched spinach atop the vegetables and mixed them in. It is probably my imagination, but spinach seems to resist being evenly distributed throughout a dish. The individual bits have a way of finding each other and reassembling into clumps. Yeah, it’s just my imagination fabricating a conspiracy theory.

stir fry

stir fry


I used this dressing on a salad the other day and didn’t care for it much but thought it might work alright in this dish.

stir fry


There were no leftovers, which = good.

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5 thoughts on “Stir Fry

  1. Looks good! I’ve tried something similar, in the past, but didn’t use toasted sesame oil for the tofu, so that’s good to know! To avoid the spinach clumping issue, I sometimes add it torn and raw just before serving. No clumping, and it starts to soften quite quickly without actually cooking.

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  2. The orange citrus vinaigrette looks interesting. Cuban food that I had in Miami back in the 80’s always had a flavor that I couldn’t quite duplicate. Maybe this was the secret.

    Virtual hugs,


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