Malabar Spinach & Sesame/Almond/Balsamic Carrots

Spinach growing season is over and done with. It simply will not grow in hot weather. Malabar spinach, however, thrives in the summer heat. Both leaves and stems are edible, but many times I’ll cut a length of vine and use only the leaves for cooking. The main stem I will cut into segments to … More Malabar Spinach & Sesame/Almond/Balsamic Carrots

Poblano Whole Wheat Crepes With Malabar Spinach & Quark Filling

I miss having spinach fresh from the garden. It simply will not grow in the summer heat. This time of year the main choices are Swiss chard and beet tops. Malabar spinach is another good alternative to fill the need for dark leafy greens. When raw the leaves smell and taste of chlorophyll, but have … More Poblano Whole Wheat Crepes With Malabar Spinach & Quark Filling