Cauliflower Soup

It was soup kind of day – cold and rainy with occasional sleet. The head of cauliflower was beginning to discolor and needed to be used, so cauliflower soup it would be. Appearance wouldn’t be important so I shaved the entire top of the flower head with a vegetable peeler. But first, I sautéed sliced … More Cauliflower Soup

Elephant Garlic Soup

Elephant garlic looks like garlic (in giant form), tastes like garlic and smells like garlic yet it is said to be more closely related to leeks. Methinks that may be just because somebody said so. Either way both leeks and garlic are in the same genus (Allium), as are onions, shallots, ramps etc.   I … More Elephant Garlic Soup

Shaved Vegetable Soup

The first killing frost in these parts typically occurs the first week in November, so time is running out to harvest all the peppers, preserve basil (if I so choose) and bring in tender plants like curry leaf and moringa. Below ground crops like sweet potatoes, turmeric, ginger and peanuts will keep just fine in … More Shaved Vegetable Soup

Soup & Sandwich

Faye dropped a mandoline into our Amazon shopping cart and I went ahead and placed the order. The PL8® Professional Mandoline arrived yesterday. It has every feature one would expect in a quality mandolin. It will be put to good use. With a machine like this one could become rusty with their knife skills. By … More Soup & Sandwich

Shiitake Miso Soup

We are set for a big cool down in the weather tonight. It was a mild 61ºF  (16ºC) when I awoke this morning and is predicted to be a chilly 34ºF (1ºC) tomorrow morning. The coming change in weather, however, wasn’t the inspiration for having soup for our midday meal. I was eager to put … More Shiitake Miso Soup