Tarragon Stir Fry

Tarragon is a wonderful herb, worthy of more attention than it usually gets. The distinctive flavor featured nicely with the mildness of yellow summer squash and tofu in this stir fry. This stir fry began with sautéing onion, ripe jalapeños, bell pepper, garlic and kosher salt  in toasted sesame oil.   When the onions had … More Tarragon Stir Fry

Mushrooms & Fresh Young Veggies In A Folded & Toasted Tortilla

This dish was planned for yesterday’s lunch but hunger crept up too soon, so we enjoyed something equally delicious but quicker to prepare. Since I had already harvested and washed the amaranth seedlings I decided to make this dish for our next breakfast even though Faye isn’t keen on “non-breakfasty” vegetable dishes for her first … More Mushrooms & Fresh Young Veggies In A Folded & Toasted Tortilla