Vegetable, Tofu & Egg Scramble

Trips to the grocery store have been less frequent now that the garden is producing a nice variety of vegetables. The shopping cart doesn’t necessarily stop rolling whilst passing through the produce department. The garden is providing more yellow squash the we can keep up with. For greens we are getting red and green Swiss … More Vegetable, Tofu & Egg Scramble

Basil Tofu Scramble

I was eager to use some of the basil flavored tofu I made yesterday, so I put together a scramble with tofu, onion, mild jalapeños, mushrooms and tomatoes. First I cooked the mushrooms without oil until they stopped sweating, removed them from the pan and set them aside. I then added canola and olive oil … More Basil Tofu Scramble

Buckwheat Noodles With Spinach, Pesto & Basil Infused Tofu

Yesterday I made tofu infused with basil, and today we enjoyed it with buckwheat noodles, spinach and pesto. The pesto was one of several kinds I had made and frozen in ice cube trays earlier in the summer. I’m pretty sure this batch was made with basil, walnuts, garlic, lemon juice and kosher salt.   … More Buckwheat Noodles With Spinach, Pesto & Basil Infused Tofu

Grilled Tofu

Sometimes when I purchase tofu I’ll drain the liquid, wrap it well and put it in the freezer. After being frozen and thawed it has a tougher and spongier texture which is better suited for taking on flavors. Cooked straight out of the package flavors slide right off and don’t get absorbed because of the … More Grilled Tofu