A Typical Sunday Morning

It was a typical weekend morning, waking up naturally about 5 AM without the prompting of an alarm. With no real plans to go anywhere it was a good day to dehydrate the chili peppers which had accumulated in the refrigerator and turn them into red chili flakes. But first a bit of coffee and … More A Typical Sunday Morning

Green Beans/Wild Rice/Black Walnuts (Slight Return)

This is a continuation of yesterday’s post — a reprise of the filling used to stuff peppers. I considered using the leftover filling in a frittata, but then thought the green bean, black walnut and wild rice combination might be more appropriate in a cabbage roll.   I often use up leftovers by folding or rolling … More Green Beans/Wild Rice/Black Walnuts (Slight Return)

Stuffed Peppers: Green Beans/Wild Rice/Black Walnuts…

This was part of an ongoing effort to not let green beans from the garden go to waste, yet one would hardly notice the presence of green beans in the dish. The green beans were cut small, steamed, then cooled under cold running water.   Meanwhile wild rice and converted rice were being cooked. The … More Stuffed Peppers: Green Beans/Wild Rice/Black Walnuts…

Peach Chutney

It was time to do something with the last two peaches in the refrigerator. I set about making something, I wasn’t sure what, that was both sweet and savory. I blanched the peaches, peeled them and tossed them with white wine vinegar to discourage oxidation. It started out with sautéing onion, garlic, a Serrano, a … More Peach Chutney

Green Bean Foogath

The few beans I planted are producing steadily and need to be harvested every other day for another meal’s worth of tender pods. We are lovers of variety, so green beans are accumulating in the refrigerator faster than we are eating them. One of my favorite ways to prepare green beans is a foogath (fugath), … More Green Bean Foogath