Garden Style Tomato Sauce

Tomatoes in the garden are rapidly ripening. Homegrown tomatoes don’t keep as long as commercially grown. That is because commercially grown tomatoes are harvested while still green and are treated with ethylene gas in an effort to coax them to a semblance of ripeness. But they never do ripen to the same to the same … More Garden Style Tomato Sauce


This year,  for the first time, I grew Mexican Sour Gherkins, also known as cucamelons. They are in fact more closely related to melons than to cucumbers. The tiny grape sized fruit look like miniature watermelons and taste a bit like watermelon rind.   I included a few of these crunchy little morsels when I … More Pickles

Building A Sandwich

Despite cucumbers being on the menu daily we are not keeping up with production. I’ve already made a tiny batch of refrigerator pickles, and I foresee more pickling in the future.   The cucumber feature on today’s menu was in a sandwich. Part of a loaf of Cuban bread (that’s what the bakery called it) … More Building A Sandwich

Mushroom Burgers

I enjoy burgers (veggie for me) with any combination of the many traditional accompaniments: mayonnaise, mustard, ketchup, sliced onion, pickle slices, pickle relish, cheese, tomato, lettuce, alfalfa sprouts etc. Another way I enjoy burgers is topped with caramelized onions and mushrooms.   I usually add a few ingredients to make it into a sauce. This … More Mushroom Burgers