Baked Potato & Broccoli (with trimmings)


I have mentioned this one before, multiple times I am sure, but as a food and garden blogger it is my calling to report on events which take place in the kitchen and garden. Potatoes and broccoli with trimmings is one of our favorite meals to fall back on when nothing else comes to mind. It used to be a once a week deal, but since the blogging thing came about some of the old standbys were relegated to the once-in-awhile stack and the never mentioned before stuff took precedence. The last time I prepared this it was joyfully said, “Oh!!! We haven’t had this in awhile!” So… it gets another mention.

I seldom purchase russet potatoes. I guess that’s because we both favor the creamier red or gold varieties for most purposes, but I admit that oven baked russet potatoes really are great. We often skip the butter and the sour cream, and sometimes even the cheese if there are enough other trimmings, but this time I included them all in modest proportions.

I added chopped herbs from the garden into hot bubbling butter then poured it over the baked potatoes. Kosher salt seasoned both the broccoli and the potato.

baked potato

baked potato

baked potato

The potato was further seasoned with black pepper, and spinach powder was sprinkled on top. A dollop of sour cream was added with another sprinkling of powdered ramson leaves. An occasional nibble of Greek olives stuffed with garlic and jalapeño made everything taste just right. Oh yeah, the cheddar cheese. Not too much of that, but enough to make it special.

baked potato


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